Aikuisten Uimakoulu

Adult Swimming School

Next swimming school at spring 2025


Uimakoulussa ei ole lähtötasovaatimuksia, vaan se myös sopii veden pelosta kärsiville ja täysin uimataidottomille aikuisille. 


Kurssilla tutustutaan vedessä olemiseen ja liikkumiseen sekä harjoitellaan vedessä hengittämistä, kelluntoja, liukuja ja alkeisuimataitoja.

Kurssi järjestetään Kuntolaakson uimahallin nuorisoaltaassa (syvyys 1,3 m). 

Kesto 10 kertaa.

Starting level

No skill requirements. This course is also suitable if you are affraid of the water or can not swim at all.


At this course you will get to know being and moving in the water. We will practice breathing, floating and sliding in the water. Also we will be trying beginner level swimming.

This course will be at the youth pool of Kuntolaakso swimminghall, depth 1,3 metre).

Duration 10 times. 

Price 200 euro + 35 euro membership fee of the club. 

For more info please contact info(a)


  • Invoice will be sent via email after you have made your registration. You have 14 days time to make the payment.
  • The course needs a minimum of 5 participants to take place. If the course is cancelled, we will notify you via email.
  • When arriving to your first practise meet the instructor 15 minutes before in the lobby of the swimming hall. You will receive a card, which by showing it to the cashier, you get a wristband and access to the changing rooms. Next practise you can arrive on your own.